Artist, Art Therapy, Psychotherapy and Belief Statement
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Oshawa Fibre Art Show Nov. 20 - Dec. 5
I have 4 pieces on display, including more Zentangles on Cloth. I have been hosting the Tangle Club and Zentangle classes 101, 201 and looking forward to 301! Also a birthday party! who knew! lots of fun.
Tangle on in stitches!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Yet there is a cool freshness to the air. there is no heaviness in the air. the sun seems strong yet not overpowering. the plants are dying yet there is a new beauty to them. with less outdoor activity there is more time to quilt. draw. socialize inside with friends.
Autumn is about change. how many of us welcome change? Change is what inspires us. change challenges us. without change life would be the same. we would continue in the same way we have done in the past. we remain comfortable. life is easy. we assume what will happen next.
We need change. change is stressful. but change is necessary for growth. with change we are forced to make new decisions, we step out of our comfortable areas. change enables us to respond in new ways. change makes us learn new aspects of ourselves. there have been many changes for me in the last year. I did not welcome them. my son has gone through many changes, because of mental health- and the family with him. Yet without this challenge, he would not have found more about who he wants to be - in life, with friends, as a career. He has learned to stand up for himself, and to recognize his own weaknesses and strengths. But so too the family - we have learned to listen more to each other, to recognize that talking and conversing and arguing is okay- letting it out is the more important role right now.
I have begun to teach and share Zentangles. I have learned that I love sharing with others. I have acknowledged that art can be a powerful tool and healer. I have learned that I have a power that I did not know I had. And I must embrace it and not abuse it.
Change will continue to happen. It is how we respond that makes a difference to us and those around us. How will you respond? in the meantime, zentangle a response!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Zentangles are freedom too, while working within the process, you can create without any fear of rules. There are no expectations to the result - it is all good.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Today is a new day
But I've also been full steam ahead with Tangle classes, cooking for work, quilting, and supporting family and church. I always find myself very busy. Hmm.
I have had enquiries from people in North part of New York state, London, On., and Waterford, On. I hope that I can accommodate these requests for experiencing the art of Zentangles. If you are in these areas, let me know and I will be able to add you to the contacts for these area venues.
As for recent class works, here are some great Zentangles from the latest class at the A.M. Milton Gallery. Wonderful work and excitement.
As well I have completed a quilting project I started in June. The Sewing Machine Factory Outlet referred a lady to me, for possibly creating quilts out of her mother's clothes. Although a task like this is often tedious, I have a soft spot for supporting people through grief. In the meantime, this ladies brother also died. And so I incorporating his clothes into the quilts as well. I tried to create a feeling of brightness in the center to express the hope that we can feel despite the grief that often accompanies the "passing" of a close person.
Comments are appreciated.
enjoy your moments, you'll never see them again.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Fun Inspirational Classes
Next post will have the next set of photos from my group of artists at the Milton A.M. gallery who zentangled into the zone.
Tangle on.
Monday, September 20, 2010
My next class will be at the a.m. Gallery in the Milton Mall. The class will be for advanced Tanglers, on Sept. 22, from 7-9 p.m. I will be sharing some new tangles and we will look at breaking down the patterns around us to include in our work.
If you would like to join us, email me at
On October 1st, I will host a Zentangle for Quilters class. We will explore practicing tangles, and how this will help your quilting. More ideas around where you can use tangles, and transferring your new ideas into your quilting will be shared.
I look forward to having you join me. Zentangles will help expand your creativity at the same time as reducing your blood pressure.. isn't that cool?!
Here are some photos of tangles from 1 of my classes.
Create on
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
You are power!
Last night was no exception. I have been reading "Anatomy of the Spirit" by Caroline Myss, on recognizing the connection between illness and our own physical, emotional and spiritual energies. The most recent discussion has been thinking about the "second chakra" which is the description of our personal power. This discussion has been so connected to one of my all time favorite quotes from Nelson Mandela, which is:
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
And so, in my half awake mind I made this wonderful connection of how we live must recognize our own power. How often do we recognize that we have "power"? How often do we acknowledge that we are an energy being that carries that positive or negative energy to everything thing we do and participate in - whether it is discussing how to raise our children, or standing in line at the grocery store. Once we acknowledge this power, we can realise how much we affect. Once again, we are usually shy about what we can affect - how can I really change the atmosphere in my house? in my workplace?how much do I really have power over? Is the world affecting me? or me affecting the world? But really - our energy affects EVERYTHING. We have immeasurable power and energy. Even the air we breathe. If I accept that how I be affects others (and myself), that I have a power, unspoken and subconscious - that can change everything around us, then I can realise the enormous power and responsibility I have to consciously positively be.
Once again, acknowledge you are power - Live knowing your power - Live placing all your acts with Intention.
This also is well expressed in Zentangles. In Zentangles, we sit down, not knowing what potential might happen, but knowing it is there. Accepting it. and placing every stroke on the paper with intention. Like in life, knowing that each stroke will affect the next. And realising that I have the power to place that stroke, and to participate in life and in my own power, and experience with purpose and responsibilitiy.
Here is one of my recent intentional drawings.
p.s. Next Zentangle 101 workshop will be on Saturday, September 18, 2010, from 1-3p.m. at 4 Manorwood Road.
Next Advanced Zentangle workshop will be on Wednesday, September 22, 2010, from 7-9p.m. at the Art Gallery, in the Milton Mall, Milton Ontario. Let me know if you would like to join us.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Summer, Advanced Class
I have had an Advanced Tangle Class, as well as another Zentangle 101. They have all been well accepted and a joy to teach. I'll just provide some samples from the Zentangle Advanced class.
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Here is a great tangle from a lady's purse. |
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Sun setting over Lake Huron |
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Moon rising over Pinery Provincial Park |
Monday, July 12, 2010
First Class Report
At first I was nervous, but once I began talking about Zentangles, my passion came through and it felt so natural to be sharing what I feel is a great technique and life builder.
Here are the two class tangles we did:

Reminder that I will be having my Zentangle Club Class on Thursday, July 22 at 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Let me know if you would be interested in attending. The cost is $15.00 per person, which includes some accessories, and several new tangles to learn. 416.431.9980.
I will be in the London, Grand Bend Area on "vacation" from July 19-22, if any Southwestern Ontario people would be interested in a course during that time. LET ME KNOW ASAP! I know of a location in London where I could host a class.
In addition, My next Zentangle 101 class will be August 4, 2010, from 10:00-12 noon at the Quilter's Block, 2861 St. Clair Avenue East. Cost is $40.00.
Hope to see you Soon!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
I have recovered from visits, and am saying adios to my family - the kids are off on their adventures! so I will be able to concentrate on my business.
Last week - July 1st, to be exact, I celebrated Canada Day in a very public way.... I tangled out in the Sun! At the park! My friend at the Quilters Block had rented a booth at the East York Park Celebration and allowed me to share my tangles there. People love to watch what you are doing! there was a regular stream of people watching, and asking questions. Although I didn't get much initial response, I gave out a lot of cards. All of us tanglers know, that it just takes a few people drawing and it catches on real quick.
Here are some of the large size tangles I drew in the park.
I have also been working on incorporating my tangles into my quilts. Here are some photos of tangles I have drawn on fabric and as a larger piece, which I will then quilt on.... I hope you enjoy!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
What's in the name "in-laws"?
By marriage I have received a set of parents. This is not new, this has been happening for over 22 years. About twice a year, my in-laws come to visit our household in Toronto, which is a mere 1 1/2 hours from their residence in Niagara on the Lake. But really, it is a token distance that keeps us at a decent space from one another. Not that I don't like my in-laws, but rather, I need my own space. I am from a totally different style of living. After all, I did marry my opposite.
For instance, while I value a clean house, I don't rate it as next to godliness. For me there is a lot more to living than making sure I need to be able to eat off my own floor. If the kitchen gets wiped down once a day, I'm happy. If there is food on the table at 5pm, or 6 or 7 or 8 - well, I am happy. If my laundry gets done once per week - or once every two weeks- I am happy. If my fridge gets cleaned out twice a year (when she comes to visit) - I am happy. You get my drift.
Today, my in-laws will be coming for their bi-annual visit. I always need to remind myself that it is only temporary. Hold your tongue. Smile and be appreciative. And this brings me to the phrase "in-laws". What has that got to do with marriage? Couldn't a better term have been created to explain this relationship? For me it is too close to "law" as in police, or... law abiding citizen. As in my in-laws are coming to check up on me again. The law is coming. Okay, so my emotions are taking over and making extreme connections to these familial relations, who really are not the law, but just feel like it to me. How insecure!!!
So what would a better description of the relationship be? We can really break it down and start with: parents by marriage, parents of my husband, parents to my husband, people who see me as a surrogate daughter, people who want to parent me along with their son, people who don't know how to let their son grow up!! okay that's hitting way too close to home. Did I say that? Do I want to call them Mom and Dad? I know that is how they see themselves to me, and truthfully, they have been parents to me, as well as my own parents. Really, I am an adult like them, who have had significant life events that have shaped my personality and wisdom. It is time that I share with them the strength of my character, and request verbally and non verbally their respect. It is time to grow up.
And how will I maintain this composure? Why Zentangle or quilt - of course. After all, that is living!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Happy Dance!
But really... the weather was great... and on Friday I found out 1 of my quilts will be in the World Quilt Show, travelling to the Mancuso Managements' 4 quilt shows; Manchester, NH, Philadelphia, PA, San Diego, CA, and Florida.
That is my Happy Dance. After submitting works and getting rejection, it has felt like, okay, my work satisfies me;;; but is it really art if the quilt world does not recognize it? So Finally - confirmation! Now I will plan to visit my work with my husband at one of the closer venues. More plans. I like to plan. Part of the whole experience is the planning and anticipation!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Zentangle Workshops
As well I have planned two dates for workshops in the next month. On July 10th, 2010 I will be holding my first Zentangle 101 class. This will be in the morning from 10:00-12noon at which is located 1 block west of Victoria Park Avenue, on St. Clair Avenue East.
I will begin an ongoing class for people who have been tangling already. This will start on the 24th of June, at 7pm at the same location. The Quilter's Block.
I am locating other venues, so if you are interested, or even not from the Toronto area, I would be happy to arrange a workshop near you. email me and I would be happy to arrange a workshop.
As I look back on my time in the training with photos of wonderful people, I miss them.
But as I bring this treasure, Zentangling to others, I realise how powerful a tool it is. See you soon? Hope So!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
It's a beauty to behold!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The Ocean
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Back ;;;
I attended the Certified Zentangle Teachers training in Whitinsville Massachusetts for 3 days. It was a Great experience. We were housed in a mansion built in 1862, which had gorgeous woodworking detail and stature. 57 people came from all over North America and 1 from Holland. The sharing and energy was wonderful. The calm - from the tangling - and from people's presence was amazing.
After the 3 days I spent about 1 24hour period touring Newport Rhode Island. I enjoyed my time just walking the streets, visiting the Atlantic Ocean, and eating supper by the sunset. It felt so freeing to be able to make my own decisions about when to stop, where to go, what to eat. I loved the taste of the salt on my lips after walking outside, the smell of the ocean, the sound of the waves crashing onto the rocks, and the sound of the waves kissing the beach sand. All of the birds in Newport - the warm sun... the ocean breeze.. . It was a beautiful debriefing after spending 3 days creating, and learning. .. then to go and experience God's creating. Ahh...
I look forward to sharing Zentangles with you... It will bring you peace and energy too.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
From my church book

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Quilting? Zentangles? Where is the connection?
This quilt is an excellent example of how I use many of the different styles and line drawing I practice while Zentangling. The heading of my blog, is another example of this drawing.
As I draw, I realise so many areas where art is helpful in my daily life. Mental Health is an important topic and interest of mine. I hope to use this art form to help others increase their self-esteem and encourage others to be the Creative Being that God has called us to be - in all aspects of our lives. Draw On!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Zentangle Examples
Monday, April 12, 2010
Zentangle, CZT
Zentangles. A great inspirational, relaxing and creative pastime hitting the creativity world. It is a phenominal new method of drawing. By completing small pieces of art with simple strokes, you both relax, and release creativity.
In May I will become a Certified Zentangle Teacher. and I will be able to teach this fabulous technique to many different types of people. Please see the Zentangle site: for more information. I want to bring this to arts and crafts people but also health and community members. It is meant to encourage new creative expression, but also helpful in enhancing the mental health of all. I look forward to bringing you examples of this helpful skill.
Blessings. and Draw on.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Some More Photos

here are some more photos of the quilts that were put together at the Quilt retreat.

This past weekend, I was away again, for a visit and hockey tournement attendance in London, Ontario. My quilting buddy, Beth; took us to some amazing fabric shops in the outskirts of London. Needless to say, my other quilting buddy, Carolyn, and I were in awe with the different fabrics. Two shops and we were done for. Our eyes and brain swimming with ideas and overload with colourful fabrics. And of course our wallets empty. Thanks Beth for a great visit. We will have to come again.
And the Hockey? well, it was great that our midget boys, ended there single A hockey career making it to the Semi-Finals. One of the best hockey games I have seen. There is nothing like just playing the game for the fun of it.
See you soon!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Finally Quilt photos!
Yea, Yea, this is a quilting blog. not just a reflections blog.
So here you have it. I am posting some photos from the recent quilting retreat I went on.
In the beginning I was grumbling about packing all my stuff up to go away. Why can't I just retreat to my own corner and have time to myself? Then i won't have to cart all this fabric and thread and ... you know stuff to some place else. I was not looking forward to it.
But all you quilters know, that life gets in the way, and often we fail to dedicate ourselves to what we want to do most. Most of us are puritanical hardworkers, who feel guilty for doing something we enjoy so much. So protestant ethics aside, I packed my goods and headed off to a weekend with my fabric and machine, and fellow quilters.
Despite falling ill, I was able to focus and complete a few tops that have been mulling about in my head. These are experiments in colour and creative play. Now I just need to dedicate time to quilting them.
Enjoy the photos
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Life philosophy for me
This book promotes rethinking how we view the world, in a way to bring real salvation to us. Don't let the "salvation" word scare you. We have so much history, baggage and perceptions that we bring to everything that we see, do, and interrelate. The course in miracles attempts to heal us from these preconceived ideas and open us up to real life and wellness in mind, body and spirit.
As an artist, this is a very rewarding process. It helps me see and experience life in a more open and awe-inspiring way. This in turn helps me create. Which to me, is what we are here on earth for. To create alongside the most unbelieveable creator.
See something new today. See something a-fresh.