Artist, Art Therapy, Psychotherapy and Belief Statement

I believe all people have the need and ability to create. Using various art and therapy methods I provide a safe and empathetic environment, to encourage life-enhancing expression that brings wholeness, physically, emotionally and spiritually to people's life.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Zendala 2 & Diva Challenge 141

Zendala, Zentangle.  Hmm. I have been practicing new patterns and watching the work of Maria Vannekins, and her pattern step-outs. Some get a bit confusing for me!  Teacher?!!!  
The tangles Laura has chosen for this weeks challenge appear simple, but are still complex. The 141st challenge  is a Duotangle of Quandry, and Fengle. I quite like Fengle, but despite Quandry's simplicity, I have difficulty getting the pattern to "fall into line". However I like how this Duotangle looks.
Diva Challenge 141.
Below are Zendalas I have completed after working with Margaret Bremner. She has been an inspiration to me. I thoroughly cherish the time I spent with her. 

  This Zendala I completed on the plane home from Edmonton. Notice the 'lovely' inkblot. Due to plane pressure. But I still like it. It provides an interesting focus.

I have two classes upcoming. In Edmonton, on Monday, Oct. 28; 6:30- 9:00 p.m. Please complete the form here:
or contact; or

Then in Toronto, I will be holding a beginner and second level class on Sat. Nov. 9. 10-3pm. Contact me for more details and to register. I hope to see you there.

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