Artist, Art Therapy, Psychotherapy and Belief Statement

I believe all people have the need and ability to create. Using various art and therapy methods I provide a safe and empathetic environment, to encourage life-enhancing expression that brings wholeness, physically, emotionally and spiritually to people's life.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Zendala 2 & Diva Challenge 141

Zendala, Zentangle.  Hmm. I have been practicing new patterns and watching the work of Maria Vannekins, and her pattern step-outs. Some get a bit confusing for me!  Teacher?!!!  
The tangles Laura has chosen for this weeks challenge appear simple, but are still complex. The 141st challenge  is a Duotangle of Quandry, and Fengle. I quite like Fengle, but despite Quandry's simplicity, I have difficulty getting the pattern to "fall into line". However I like how this Duotangle looks.
Diva Challenge 141.
Below are Zendalas I have completed after working with Margaret Bremner. She has been an inspiration to me. I thoroughly cherish the time I spent with her. 

  This Zendala I completed on the plane home from Edmonton. Notice the 'lovely' inkblot. Due to plane pressure. But I still like it. It provides an interesting focus.

I have two classes upcoming. In Edmonton, on Monday, Oct. 28; 6:30- 9:00 p.m. Please complete the form here:
or contact; or

Then in Toronto, I will be holding a beginner and second level class on Sat. Nov. 9. 10-3pm. Contact me for more details and to register. I hope to see you there.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Time to Pause

School. Teaching Zentangle Classes. Birthdays. Dog Walks. It is a charmed life I lead. Then there are these assignments I need to complete, like writing papers, where I need to pause, and think over what I want to say. Then I am muddled with thoughts, not knowing where to focus.
   I remember my recent work to enjoy the moments of everyday. One of my recent calls to understand my connection with self and others is to live in the moment, and capture the narrative of my everyday life. For this is the real me. These moments are what make up who I am and what I live for. These moments identify my priorities and define where my hopes, dreams, goals and focus is. These moments are what the exciting activities and drama are part of.
   I practice these moments of pause when I lie in my bed, and notice the coolness of the sheets on my face. I relish the warmth of the blanket on my body, and feel my dog press against my legs. I enjoy with gratitude the safety of my home, the ability to live with these simple joys, and know that even the ability to enjoy these simple moments is a gift. I can let my worries, and pressing issues fall away, and enjoy the quiet and peace of the moment. How safe and happy I feel. Then I turn my legs from the covers and step onto the floor. Eager to wander to the kitchen to make coffee, to see the brightness of the day.
   Enjoying these moments is what living is about.
   And later I will turn to writing about how my initial Art therapy course has touched my life, and how my experience with art therapy will affect me and others who participate in it. But in the whole scheme of therapy the events of everyday life must be considered as the framework for the individual sessions. The work within the therapy sessions are part of the everyday drama of life. Together they express the narrative of one's life, including the focus, priorities, and mundane tasks. To consider one activity of Art therapy is to consider only a fragment, a paragraph in the story of my life. Art therapy and the moments must be considered together, bringing a fuller understanding of who I am.
Tangle on.