Artist, Art Therapy, Psychotherapy and Belief Statement

I believe all people have the need and ability to create. Using various art and therapy methods I provide a safe and empathetic environment, to encourage life-enhancing expression that brings wholeness, physically, emotionally and spiritually to people's life.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Diva challenge 241 + Fall

This fall is going out like a lion - with a roar! So much business and important events happening in my families life. And in the moments I am tangling. On Monday I held a group of enthusiastic CZT from the Ontario area. Here is their tangle. CZTs are passionate about sharing Zentangle with whomever they meet. Bravo for sharing the view that art heals and you don't need to be an artist!

Then I took some time to do this weeks Diva Challenge - Cairn Stones of Health. It is very appropriate as tomorrow I will attend an Art Heals Health Conference here in Toronto. Art heals and helps integration which leads to health.

Tangle On!